Monday 1 April 2013

Hotel National - Audio Fair

Katya takes manuscript to the British Council's audio fair in Moscow

Hotel National
(Filmed at St Ermin's Hotel, London, UK)


Katya takes Danté's manuscript to pass to Barley Blair of London publishers Abercrombie & Blair.  Unfortunately, Barley never showed up, the A&B stand is empty.  Katya convinces Niki Landau of Penguin books(?) to take the notebooks to Barley Blair.


This scene was filmed in St Ermin's Hotel in London:  I was in London in October 2013 - and I could have bagged this location if I had known about it - I was so close to the hotel at one point when I had lunch in a pub opposite St James's Park underground station.  Perhaps next time, i'll make a special journey ... just to stay in this hotel.

I must give credit here to James Luckard who has very kindly provided me with information on some of the Russia House locations.  He gave me details of this scene - shot in St Ermin's hotel (which I had presumed was filmed in the National Hotel Moscow), as well as other scenes towards the end of the film: the book fair party location (The Reading & Writing Room, One Whitehall Place, London), and Katya's apartment block (Ulitsa Verkhnyaya Maslovka 23, Moscow - behind the Petrovsky Palace on Leningradskoye Shosse).

I finally "bagged" this location in October 2015:

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